
Introduction to the Centre

Breffni Community Development CLG is a modern, community based project, the focus of which is to provide relevant family based supports and services in an accessible, professional, comfortable environment. Our programme includes daytime, evening and weekend programmes and activities. Our current range of family supports include:

Breffni Childcare incorporating Pre-School & Creche

Our Community Childcare facility is TUSLA approved and employs a Manager, Assistant Manager & 12 staff including staff on a Community Employment Scheme. Breffni Childcare is involved in the following Government Schemes: National Childcare Scheme (NCS), Childcare Subvention Plus (CCSP) & Free Pre-School.

Breffni Youth Cafe

Breffni Youth Cafe runs 5 days a week from 2pm – 5pm. This group is for young people aged 8 – 12yrs of age. The young people are welcomed with a snack as well as supported in the completion of their homework and enjoying free time with their friends. During this year Breffni Youth Cafe gets involved in various Awareness Campaigns and special interest projects which include different activities such as Arts & Crafts, Drama, Cookery and more. Breffni Youth Cafe runs seasonal camps throughout the year. These camps are generally ran during school holidays e..g. Midterm camps, Easter Camps, Summer Camps, Fun Day Camps, Transition Camps, Halloween Camps and Christmas Activities. For more information please check out our Home Page, Facebook page or email:

Breffni Community Playground

In 2007, Breffni FRC forged links with the Leitrim County Council resulting in the development of a public playground at Breffni Crescent.
This playground was developed with funding made available by Leitrim County Council LED Task Force through the EU Programme for Peace and Reconciliation.

Family Support Services

The Family Support Worker helps to develop and maintain a family and community support outreach and development strategy within Breffni Family Resource Centre and also assists local families and individuals to:

  • Identify needs and develop supports and activities to address those needs;
  • Support collective action on issues which affect the lives of people in the community;
  • Link into and participate in opportunities, activities and programmes becoming available through the Project or through other organisations within the area;
  • Provide specific one to one support to families as identified;
  • Support existing Centre initiatives;
  • Provide referrals to other relevant agencies or professionals.

For further details please contact Letty Hill – Family Support Worker on 086 023 2598  or email:

Social Prescribing

Social Prescribing is a free support offered by the HSE and partners in the community that aims to reduce isolation and improve people’s health and wellbeing.  The link worker will give you information on social groups, exercise classes, relaxation sessions, volunteering opportunities, support services and much more all in your local area.

  • You can contact the Social Prescribing Link Worker – Sarah Carey yourself or be referred by a health professional or community worker.
  • The Link Worker will arrange to meet with you.
  • The Link Worker will listen to what you are interested in and give you information on what is available locally.
  • You will choose the activities and supports that are right for you.
  • The Link Worker will contact you and see how you are doing and if your experience is a happy one.

For further details please contact Social Prescribing Link Worker on 086 066 3789 or email:

Corryeolus Women’s Group

This group was established to empower and support the needs of local women in the area and to represent them on matters affecting their day to day lives. This group has an active working and networking partnership with groups and Statutory Agencies including HSE, Leitrim Development Company, MSLETB, Leitrim County Council, DVAS, MABS, and CIS.

Disability Initiatives

As a result of increasing Board Representation, Breffni FRC formally embarked on providing a range of Services and programmes for people with disabilities. Active working partnerships with National Learning Network, DESSA, Mental Health Ireland, Irish Wheelchair Association, Dept. of Social Protection and the HSE Learning Disability Services have resulted in Saol Nua operating from Breffni on a weekly basis as well as specifically tailored Parenting Programmes being delivered to parents with Learning Disabilities.

Breffni Older Persons

Breffni Family Resource Centre provides relevant supports and services to older people in the area who may experience disadvantage and are not necessarily members of the active age group in the town. Programme activities include , Art, Yoga, Daytrips, Healthy Living & Exercise and Social Gatherings.

Townspark Residents Association

The Residents Association was established in 1990 by local residents to proactively manage the progress and development of the area, with particular emphasis on Estate Management, Community Development and Fund Raising. The Residents Association works closely with Leitrim County Council regarding Estate Maintenance, traffic calming, safety, anti social behaviour and housing issues. The Residents Association hold regular meetings and are members of Leitrim Residents Network & South Leitrim Community Network

Allotment Scheme

An annual tenancy, which includes insurance, is offered to families, groups and individuals with our Allotment Scheme. Benefits include daily exercise, and fresh air, promotes healthy eating and good mental health. Facilities such as parking, water, community composting and use of a shed and greenhouse are all inclusive on site at Breffni. For further details or to book your allotment, please call us now on: 071-9622566 or email:   Allotments will be offered on a first come, first served basis.

Community Composting

Members of Breffni community composting scheme can avail of mature composting for gardening. A lidded bucket and information sheet is issued for a one off payment and compostable waste can be deposited weekly. This Project was funded by Leitrim County Council.

For opening times, purchase of composting buckets, list of materials suitable for composting, etc please call into Reception, call 071 9622566 or email us at /

Composting Facility is now open Tuesday 8am-5pm. Advice is available if you’re not sure what to compost! Look out to for our composting workshop coming up later in the spring.

Fundraising Initiatives

Golf Classic Fundraiser

Breffni Community Development CLG together with Townspark Residents Association run a Golf Classic Fundraiser every other year.  All funds raised go towards helping defray costs of activities, programmes, maintenance, essential upkeep and day to day running of Breffni Community Development CLG and Townspark Residents Association.

Family Fun Day

Breffni Community Development run an annual Fun Filled Day for all the family.Check back for this years date.

Textile Recycling Bank

The public can drop off unwanted items of clothing etc and Breffni FRC is paid a fee by a textile recycling company based on the weight of clothing collected.

Administrative Services and Information Centre

Administrative Services, Information Centre: A range of administrative services including Tying service, photocopying, binding, laminating, printing is available at Breffni FRC. An information section providing social welfare booklets and forms, literature from Comhairle, IFSRA, Aid Board, Pensions Board, driving application forms etc are available.

Our web site was established in 2009 with the aim of further promoting the Service. This site informs the public of all our Services, activities, history and contact details, including newsletters. Breffni Community Development CLG is also active on Facebook, Twitter, and Leitrim Community Forum website.

Training and Education

Breffni Community Development CLG facilitates a number of Daytime and Evening Classes as well as one off Workshops throughout the year. Course information is listed on the website and facebook.

Breffni Men’s Group

A social group for men who meet weekly on Tuesdays from 11.00am to 1.00pm. The group involves a variety of activities.

Oasis Breffni Women’s Shed

A social group for women who meet weekly on Fridays from 11am- 1pm. The group involves a variety of activities.

Saol Nua

Saol Nua is a Social group for adults with learning difficulties, anxiety disorders, mental health issues, depression and mood disorders and is based at Breffni Family Resource Centre in Carrick on Shannon. A fun and varied programme of activities, workshops, trips and courses are organised throughout the year. The aim of the group is for members to participate within the community at a social level, alleviate isolation and to build social networks in a supportive, structured, fun and safe environment.  The group meet every Wednesday from 12pm – 1.30pm.

Miscellaneous Family Supports

Additional family based supports and services at Breffni FRC include:

  • Counselling
  • Leitrim Intercultural Forum.
  • Parenting Programmes
  • Annual Youth Camps
  • Weekly Christian Meditation Group
  • Training and Education (all ages)
  • Disability Support Programmes
  • Saol Nua: Support for people with mental health & learning disabilities
  • Rainbows: support for children experiencing separation or bereavement
  • Parent and Toddler Group.
  • Memory Café and Carers’ activities
  • Parenting Supports (programmatic and ad hoc)
  • Men and Women’s Groups.
  • Women’s International Networking Group (WING)
  • Composting and Allotments, horticultural/Healthy eating projects
  • Alternative Therapies Programme for People in Recovery
  • AA weekly Support group
  • AL-ANON Weekly Support Group
  • GROW – Mental Health Group Clinic
  • Focus Ireland
  • Family Support Drop-In Services
  • Autism monthly Support Group
  • Estate Maintenance
  • Breffni Community Playground
  • Administrative Services: photocopying, typing, faxing etc
  • Food Redistribution – FEAD Programme
  • Mindfulness Programme for Young Children